
Elementary Ag:


Encounter, written by J. Yolen, and illustrated by D. Schannon. A book told from the point of view of a young Taínos boy about the first encounter of western European explorers

The Golden Flower: A Taino Myth form Puerto Rico (2005) by Nina Jaffe. A myth from one of the indigenous cultures of the West Indies explains how a golden flower first brought water to the world and how Puerto Rico came into existence.

Arariba & Niguayona: A Story from the Taino People of Puerto Rica (Tales of the Americas), by Harriet Rohmer and Jesus Rea (1987).

How the Sea Began: A Taino Myth (1993), a creation story by George Crespo.

For more ideas on books, Children’s Books: Stories of Our past: Books for the Social Studies by Lee Glada, a list of children’s books that covers stories of our past and other social studies topics. In the Reading Teacher, Vol. 46, No. 4 (Dec., 1992 – Jan., 1993) , pp. 330-338

Website: Boricua Kids

High School:


The Taínos, by Francine Jacobs, a nonfiction text that introduces upper-grade readers to Christopher Columbus meeting with the Taínos. The book nicely discusses culture and customs of the Taíno.

Senior Project Example-

Adults and Teachers: Build Your Background Knowledge



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